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Spider Exterminators Near You: A-Better Exterminators

Spider Control Services Throughout Oklahoma

Of all the different pests that could work their way into your home, many people would say that the spider is the worst. While they generally do not enter a home by the hundreds like most other pests, they still strike fear in people across the state of Oklahoma, which will have a lasting impact on your comfort and feelings of safety.

A-Better Exterminators provides in-depth pest control services throughout the Oklahoma City area, with a specialty in spider treatment. Our termite exterminators are licensed and insured to remove the most common species from your home and keep your loved ones safe. For more information about the most reliable spider control near you, contact us today.

Spider Control Services Throughout Oklahoma

Common Types of Spiders in Oklahoma City

Your home should be your main source of safety and security, but a spider infestation can be a truly nightmarish experience. To provide the most comprehensive services available, A-Better Exterminators works to have a solution for any species you may encounter. If you encounter an issue, it is highly recommended that you contact a professional to avoid bite risks and other concerns.

Our extermination services are designed to address a diverse list of species found throughout the state of Oklahoma. Some of the most common types include:

Jumping Spider

These small jumpers are the most common species you are likely to experience in your area. Jumping spiders are harmless to humans, but are known for pouncing on their prey with their jumping capabilities.

Yellow Garden

This species is known as being harmful to humans but will bite if provoked. The bites themselves tend only to cause minor pain, similar to a bee sting. They are common near homes. While males are usually very small, females can measure to be longer than an inch. Females are also known to be capable of preying on insects up to twice times their size.

Wolf Spider

Wolf spiders tend to be found in grassy or wooded areas. They are not dangerous to humans, but will bite when threatened or provoked. Females can grow to be nearly twice the size of their male counterparts.

Spider Exterminators Near You
Spider Control Services Near You

More Common Types of Spiders:

Lynx Spider

Lynxes generally don't bite humans, but can cause minor swelling near the bite when they do.

Black Widow

Black widows are one of the most famous species in America, although only females are dangerous to humans. Their bites commonly cause pain, nausea, vomiting, and in severe cases, respiratory issues. The bites can be fatal to children so it's essential to seek medical attention immediately if they are bitten.

Brown Recluse

Brown recluses are one of the more dangerous spiders that could be encountered in Oklahoma. They tend to hunt at night and prefer areas like sheds and dark areas where they aren't likely to be disturbed. Although bites are rare and generally considered minor, they are known to cause nausea, vomiting, pain, and in severe cases, skin necrosis.

Hobo Spider

This species is known for having poor eyesight compared to others, and thus may be more aggressive towards humans than some other species if provoked. However, they generally do not inject venom when they bite. When they do, the effects of the venom can range from localized pain to necrosis.

Spider Control Services Near You

Schedule Your Oklahoma City Spider Control

While spider issues may not be the first thing on your mind, they can quickly become a priority if they are spotted in your home. Whether they are found in crawl spaces or inside your cupboards, it's important to get rid of them. Without proper removal, they can contaminate food sources and cause other health risks.

A-Better Exterminators has 30 years of experience taking care of spiders, eggs sacs, and other issues that could be plaguing your home. We use environmentally-friendly liquid treatments and proven bait methods to take care of any number of spiders. For more information about our professional spider pest control near you, contact us today.

Areas We Serve

  • Oklahoma City, OK
  • Moore, OK
  • Edmond, OK
  • Mustang, OK
  • Tuttle, OK
  • Norman, OK
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